
In Everel Group

Each individual is responsible for the sustainability of the planet. Businesses in the coming years are called upon to find concrete solutions to urgent challenges.

Our sustainability report is a mirror of our work ethic, our daily effort and the value of the people in Everel Group.

Today we are ready to face change with the experience of the past and with a view to the future.

“Everel Group faced one of the most challenging years in its history in 2023. The difficulties of the past year certainly did not make us forget the importance and continuity of our sustainability journey, which in 2023 was also extended to the German and Romanian production sites contributing to this report.”

Enrico Zobele
President of Everel Group Spa

Download Our 2023 Sustainability Report

This Sustainability Report represents an opportunity to measure our environmental, social, and economic impacts, promoting a healthy culture of sustainability, while maximising the benefit for as many stakeholders as possible.

Download Our 2022 Sustainability Report

“Everel Group’s commitment to sustainability is one of our top priorities. We are deeply aware of the importance of adopting responsible practices that not only meet the expectations of our stakeholders but also contribute to preserving our planet and ensuring a better future for generations to come.”

Thomaz Zobele
Vice President & Sustainability
Manager of Everel Group Spa

The Sustainability Manifesto

Today, more than ever, we are determined to keep our tradition of excellence alive and to continue building relationships based on trust and collaboration.

With this spirit, we have created our Sustainability Manifesto. The Manifesto articulates, across the three components of ESG sustainability (Environment, Social, Governance), the priorities on which we intend to focus our strategic commitment to integrate sustainability into all phases of business operations, from resource management to production, distribution, and marketing. Furthermore, in line with the material themes identified in this journey, we commit to pursuing some of the 17 goals defined by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015.


Innovate and design sustainability. Seek and choose technologies and materials that embody our transition path towards sustainability. We engage in the co-design of our products. We rethink the forms of extraction and use of resources and materials.

We commit to changing our impact from negative to positive, adding value to the end-of-life of our products and reducing/reusing the waste from our processes until closing the loops in a circular economy.


We aim to provide people with opportunities for growth, personal and professional balance, equality, and inclusion.

We want to ensure safety, both through our products and for all the people involved in our production cycle.


We innovate and connect the ecosystems we are part of.

We aim to become a hub of value between industry excellences and the local sociocultural fabric, and to be incubators of new technologies and opportunities.

We seek to plan and measure our sustainability journey.

The Sustainability Manifesto
“To be sustainable for us means to be aware of our impact and to value a commitment.”


At Everel Group, we believe that the well-being of the company primarily depends on the well-being of its people. This is why we created Everel4you, a project dedicated to listening to our internal resources. With the support of Dr. Gianpiera Marchitelli, a work psychologist, we create opportunities for discussion and consultation to promote the psychophysical well-being of our people, in complete privacy.
Everel4you is designed for those seeking a moment of dialogue and listening, aiming to help find concrete and new solutions for personal and professional improvement.
People are the driving force behind the growth and functioning of our company, which is why they deserve our attention and support.

In 2024, Everel launched "Everel4Wellness," an innovative program dedicated to the physical well-being of our people. This experimental project was created to promote the importance of physical activity and its numerous benefits.

Through Pilates, Myofascial Gymnastics, and Yoga sessions, the program aims to help participants understand and appreciate the importance of maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle.
Our partner in this journey is "Centro Elios of Valeggio Sul Mincio," a key reference in the sector in our region. Thanks to their experience and professionalism, participants have the opportunity to engage with these health-promoting disciplines.

Everel4Wellness offers a valuable opportunity to support Everel Group's people on their path to a more balanced and healthy lifestyle.

In our journey towards sustainability, we do not limit ourselves to focusing on environmental aspects; we place equal importance on social commitment. This intention led us to collaborate with Fondazione Historie Onlus, an institution that has been combining tradition and innovation since 1978, just like us. The initiatives developed over the years are dedicated to caring for vulnerable people in our region.

Fondazione Historie Onlus is committed daily to enhancing the abilities and potential of its beneficiaries, creating quality and as inclusive life projects as possible.

Our partnership is based on the common goal of creating new and innovative experiences, such as cooperation between the profit and non-profit sectors. The central idea is to initiate shared projects where each party contributes equally, with the common goal of promoting ethical and sustainable growth in the region.

Among the collaboration's initiatives are the creation of a company social garden, a corporate volunteer day, and the "Km 0 Lunch" project.

The first project, the company garden, involves Everel Group providing a 3,500 square meter plot of land adjacent to the plant, loaned to the Foundation, which developed the project with the support of social agriculture professionals and people with disabilities. The result is a social garden, a symbol of collaboration and inclusion, featuring fruit and ornamental trees, medicinal plants, and saffron and vegetable crops.

The "Km 0 Lunch" project offers a new way to experience the lunch break, focusing on conviviality and the joy of good food. This format allows Everel people to enjoy a healthy lunch prepared by Historie's friends in the green area of the Botanical Garden, reflecting the best of each of us with their smiles.
This collaboration not only values local resources but also promotes social inclusion and collective well-being, demonstrating how the union of diverse forces can generate a positive impact on the region.

The "Plastic Waste" project is one of the main initiatives to combine production efficiency with environmental impact reduction by minimizing plastic waste in the production process.

After an in-depth mapping of the materials used in the production process, it emerged that plastic materials are the primary source of waste. Therefore, optimizing the production process, recovering, and regenerating waste are fundamental activities.

Actions taken so far include mapping and measuring waste, improving internal recycling, and scouting for external partners to recover plastic.

Our commitment is to implement a circular development model to achieve our environmental sustainability goals while maintaining or improving economic performance.

Zero Waste is an initiative aimed at reducing waste and organizational waste at our headquarters.

Through the adoption of sustainable practices, such as reducing paper use, Everel promotes a conscious culture regarding waste and environmental impacts within its headquarters.

The project includes training activities to raise awareness and actively involve the entire company population. Among the concrete objectives of this project is the definition of a specific company policy that sets guidelines for reducing organizational waste.

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